Law Regulating Out of State Placements for Children – 2024 SB417

EZLegalSuit – Laws, Lawyers and Legal Resources Forums Laws, Bills and Rules New Hampshire Laws, Rules and Bills Law Regulating Out of State Placements for Children – 2024 SB417

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    • #1098
      Bobby Tangeray

      Legislative Update Week of May 20th, 2024

      Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 N.H. House Session ⭐ Support Amendment/Support ITL SB417
      We have been fighting this bill since January. RebuildNH is asking that you tell your reps to support the amendment, which changes the bill from being a threat to families to a good bill for families, but oppose the bill if the amendment fails.

      Democrats support this being a bad bill for families, but Republicans have largely agreed to kill this bill in its current form. The following Republicans need a call or text to be sure they support the amendment but oppose the bill if it is unamended. Remind them that opposing threats to liberty should be their top priority.

      Rep Cocker: 603-892-7083
      Rep Davis: 603-723-2929
      Rep Pearson: 603-571-0205
      Rep Pearson: 603-548-8523
      Rep Prudhomme-O’Brien: 603-339-4598

      SB 417, as passed by the Senate, was a dangerous bill for our families. The House Children and Family law committee tried to amend it, but the committee amendment failed.

      If the bill is not modified, this threatening bill will head to the governor.

      In addition to fixing the issues we previously had with the bill (see here), House Finance made positive changes to the bill. Current law requires that a parent NOT charged with abuse and neglect prove their innocence in court room before they can get their children. For example this could happen in a divorce situation. The amendment suggested by House Finance changes the underlying law so that a parent NOT charged with abuse or neglect is presumed fit. The amendment also changes the standard of evidence that the state would need to meet to ‘clear and convincing evidence’ to prevent children from going to the parent not Charged with Abuse and neglect

      Another Republican resigned last week. Numbers are tight. Make sure your reps will be in attendance. Republican turnout is critical to fixing SB417.
      Contact your reps
      Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 N.H. Senate Session ⭐ Support OTP HB1365This bill allows a pharmacist to substitute biosimilars. Biosimilars are drugs that have shown in clinical trials to be as safe and effective as to be comparable.

      As an example, Humira is priced at $3,300, Drug B is $1,200 and Drug C is $600. Without the bill, should a provider prescribe B at $1,200 a pharmacist may only dispense drug B or Humira at $3,300. The bill allows a pharmacist to offer Drug C at $600 when Drug B at $1,200 has been prescribed, or Humira at $3,300.

      Big Pharma does not like this bill because they obviously would like to keep their monopolies protected, but the European Medicines Association has been operating like this for years with no safety issues.

      Pharmaceutical lobbyists have indicated that the FDA does not allow this type of substitution, but that isn’t true. There is nothing in federal code or statute that prohibits it.

      Tell your senator to support this common sense, free market pharmaceutical bill.
      Contact your senator

      ⭐ Support OTP HB1093

      This is the bill that bans public school mask mandates. Please tell your senator to support this mask choice bill.

      Contact your senator

      ⭐ Support OTP/Oppose Committee Amendment HB1665

      This bill unamended raises the eligibility for an Education Freedom Account from 350% of federal poverty guidelines to 500%. The committee amendment lowers the threshold from 500% to 400%. Please tell your senator to oppose the committee amendment and vote ought to pass.

      Contact your senator

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