Family Court Legal Issues Noted – Senate & House

Family Court Legal Issues Noted – Senate & House

Lets recap what happened in the Family Courts and Law, with some notes in my legal research. Focused on mostly New Hampshire Family Court Legal Issues, with some Federal Law and action in the legislature. This is happen everywhere This is not legal advice; if you can...
Family Courts and Judges – January 2024 Legal Notes

Family Courts and Judges – January 2024 Legal Notes

Family Courts and Judicial Immunity Here are some notes from my personal legal research looking into the family courts, family court judges and the constitutionality. Family Court Judges appear to be administrative officers and not protected by Judicial Immunity. In...

New Hampshire State Constitutional Claims

The amount of money awarded in the constitutional cases in New Hampshire that I have found varies depending on the case and the court. Here are some examples: In Parental Rights Project v. Sununu, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ordered the state to pay $15,000...